Inside Steve's Head
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
ChesapeakeMan Ultra Tri Race Report

ChesapeakeMan Ultra Distance Triathlon

2.4 mile swim/112 mile bike/26.2 mile run

September 27th, 2008

Well, the ChesapeakeMan Ultra Distance Triathlon is in the books. It was yet another memorable day, as ironman always is. I have recapped a few of the highlights and lowlights for your reading pleasure. Race day was Saturday, September 27. I was once again fortunate enough to be able to “borrow” the home of a friend, fellow Team in Training coach and athlete for race weekend. Her house is gorgeous and sits right on the bike course. I cruised down to the Cambridge Maryland area on Thursday to help out race director Rob Vigorito and crew with registration. I can’t say enough positive things about Vigorito or the Columbia Triathlon Association. They are a stand up organization who are into this sport for all of the right reasons. I did my thing at registration, meeting some old and new friends along the way. Then pigged out at the pasta dinner at the Hyatt Resort in Cambridge. After a cold beer with my buddy Kevin Kunkel (3rd place overall great job Kev) from Reston Virginia, I made my way back to my borrowed house.

There in the driveway, about 50 yards from the house was a downed tree which blocked my way. I was forced to leave my car at that point and truck my gear through the fallen tree and up to the house. It was also pitch dark at that point so that made for an interesting little journey. Perhaps that was the first “event” of the weekend, but I did get through the jungle crawl with no problems. I made it to the front porch and stopped dead in my tracks and I stared at a bobcat – yes BOBCAT, who stared back at me and looked a little annoyed that I was on his turf. Wait, HIS turf ?? Jude is my friend, I was allowed to stay this weekend. Who was this dude and what was he doing on the porch? Fortunately, I didn’t have to answer any of those questions because my little buddy ran off into the woods. (I hope that’s where he ran). So, I passed the second event of the weekend which we’ll just call “Where the Wild Things Are”, and went to bed for the night.

Friday morning I jumped out of bed and searched the garage for something that I could use to disassemble that fallen tree. I found a nice sized bow saw and went to work. I guess that was my next weekend event and a nice pre race warm up. Friday was full of more registration help, gear bag packing, prerace meeting,  and meeting up with a number of friends and general miscellaneous “what can I do with myself now to take the edge off” activity. Around dinner time, my wife MG, daughter Jennifer, and her boyfriend John made it to town and we ate at our favorite pre race place for grub, The Palace. My family is the ultimate support crew. They come out to every ironman event and spend the entire day volunteering and supporting my crazy passion. They love the people and camaraderie as much as I do and really enjoy being there. Then it was time to check and recheck a few dozen things – a few dozen times, then off to bed. It took me about 30 minutes to make a decision on what time I should set my alarm for. The ultimate decision was 4:30 AM, but that didn’t really matter because my buddy Kenny Modica decided to send me a text message me at 3 AM to wish me good luck. Thanks Ken.

Race morning had me up at 4:30 AM – no wait – 3 AM, that’s right. (Thanks again Kenny) But I faded in and out again until 4:30 and then threw down two cans of Ensure and a Cliff Bar and made my way to the start of the race. The plan was my family would grab a few more winks and meet me at the start. The weather forecast for the weekend was not good. A threatening tropical storm was making its way up the coast and in preparation, race director Rob Vigorito reconfigured the swim course to consist of two loops in a safer, more contained area of the river. It proved to be a good move. Shortly after the playing of the Star Spangled Banner, the rains came and stuck with us for the better part of the day.

The swim was relatively uneventful. I got wet. And stung by a few sea nettles. And felt like I was dragging an anchor in the water (and on the run), but that was simply because my training had really suffered since I had knee surgery in July. I felt good, and the knee is fine, but I just wasn’t able to get in enough work leading up to the race. At the same time, I knew I had enough in the tank and a strong enough base to get to the finish line. And that was the only real goal.

Upon finally existing the water, I wobbled up the boat ramp, kissing and high-fiving family along the way and ran into the  T1 tent. The swim to bike transition was swift and I hopped on my bike and headed out for the first loop of 65 miles. It rained for most of the bike ride, but that actually seemed to help me on the first 65 mile loop. The rains kept the sun away and kept us cool. And initially, it wasn’t a hard driving rain, but manageable showers. I felt great on the first loop – which makes sense since the bike was virtually the only thing that I sufficiently trained for. I cruised into special needs and grabbed my bag and again had the chance to check in with the family. I don’t remember but I think I drank an Ensure and then headed back out for the second, shorter (47 mile) loop.

I was feeling good at that point and expected a good second loop.  Bad assumption. Driving wind and harder rain picked up for the rest of that loop. It made for a challenging ride but then again, it is ironman. If it were supposed to be easy, it would be called . Golf or something. A couple of washed out roads added a new discipline to the race which I am calling Cycle surfing. And a flat tire added to the fun. BUT, I managed and made it back to transition to head out for the run.

The Chessyman run is interesting. Its a 3 loop course which is great for seeing family, friends, and competitors. But, if your legs are spent, it can be demoralizing knowing that you have to repeat those same loops three times. The best part about the multi loop set up is that each time, we are able to run towards the high school and see family. My daughter Jennifer picked me up with each loop and ran the small jug handle with me while my wife shot some video. I used those  2 or 3 minutes with Jennifer as an opportunity to catch up and fill her in on my status. I remember at one point telling her that I felt nauseas but at the same time, craved a cheeseburger. Which really does make sense if you have ever been out there. It translates to gels and Gatorade is making me want to yak, and I need a burger.

In the dark of night, (and in the teeming rain), I concluded my final loop and headed in to the high school track to finish my day. As I entered the stadium I heard the voice of race director Rob Vigorito announcing the arrival of Remissionman. And with that, Jennifer ran to greet me and we crossed the finish line together. It was my 10th career ironman finish and my 5th Chessyman. Although somewhere around that second run loop, I began to question my sanity and wondered why I do what I do, by the time I crossed the tape, I knew I was coming back next year. It was another great day and great experience. Thanks to Vigo, his crew, and my family for allowing dreams to come true. This race was far from my best effort. But, the knee held up and I got it done. And all in all, it was a great time.

A few post scripts .

ps1 Our younger daughter Danielle is a freshman at Temple. She wanted to be there but we urged her to do the college thing and go to homecoming weekend. That was a mistake as she was missed and homecoming was sort of a bust. We made sure we called her throughout the day to keep her dialed in to my progress. Danielle will be there next year.

ps2 Tim Durning You are the man. I was so impressed by your support and encouragement. I cant thank you enough. More Stones.

ps3- George Alteri and Fred Sommer Its always a pleasure and an honor to hang out with you guys. Thanks for all you both do for the sport. Fred, I cant believe you still have the IRONTOE rock from the original GFT TRIBE rock garden.

ps4 Wendy It was great to finally meet you and your awesome husband. Sorry if I spooked you on the run.

ps5 Jeff Candyman Gura You are my ironman brother of 8 years. It was great to see you and hang out at yet another race.

ps6 There is no doubt that I missed something or someone and for that I apologize. Thanks to everyone for a great weekend. My family rocks.

Steve irontoe remissionman Brow, with Jennifer



Posted by Steve Brown at 6:52 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, October 5, 2008 8:37 AM EDT
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Wet and the Wild

OK here is the deal. I am racing ChesapeakeMan on Saturday and the weather is looking mighty ...... wet. Rain might not be too bad. But the thunder and lightening will impact the race for sure. So, I have one eye on the weather, and the other .... some other place.

It's ironic because this year the tides are supposed to be very favorable and at our feet the entire swim. But that might not matter if a storm angers the Choptank River. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, this Bud Light Lime helps keep things in perspective and enables me to better study the tide charts and weather map .... YEAH ... OK.

I am heading to Cambridge Thursday AM to help out at race registration and chill out a little. Thanks to Jude Wiggins and her generous hospitality in allowing us the use of her house again this year.

By the way, I offered to lend some help to this outstanding organization - check them out.



Posted by Steve Brown at 8:04 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 8:15 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Long Ago and Far Away

No clue what the title means ... other than a JT song title. Any way, much has happened in a month. I accepted a new position with my former employer in Wilmington. It was a much needed move and I am most stoked about it.

Knee is recovering nicely and I feel pretty strong. Not quite 100% but getting there. The bike feels fine and the run is making progress. I am still doing the ChesapeakeMan iron distance tri at the end of September. And I should be 200% by then. Or so I hope. Training has been great.

I was on the receiving end of a very nice act of kindness over the weekend. First, while biking, a woman almost hit me when she rushed a left turn right in front of me coming the other direction. I braked and swerved a little, but no crises. Then the woman circled around to pull up to me and apologize for her carelessness. She said she felt horrible because her son is a cyclist and she is usually much more aware. It was nice to hear.

I have a neighbor down the shore whose name is Judy. I knew she played old school roller derby in the day. But wasn't really sure who she was. When you get some time - Google Judy Sowinski.... The Polish Ace. There is some great stuff out there. I think she could still throw a few people out of the ring. But fortunately, she has mellowed signficantly over the years and her idea of a fun afternoon is relaxing on a float at the pool. Don't try to take that float away though.

Out for now.


Posted by Steve Brown at 7:21 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 7:37 PM EDT
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Back in the Saddle

Hey man,

Knee is progressing very nicely. On Wednesday 7/23 I had my one week post op follow up. Everything was great and he gave me the green light to resume moderate training. (moderate being a relative term). So Thursday I was on a trainer for 30 minutes and then did some light resistance work. Saturday was a little longer and harder on a trainer, stair master, and eliptical trainer. Today was a very very easy and low impact walk "run"(not really) on a soft track for about 3 miles total. felt great. I should be allowed back in the pool this week. Everything looks good for ChesapeakeMan on 9/27.

Posted by Steve Brown at 1:26 PM EDT
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Well Done Dr. Freedman

My arthroscopic knee surgery went very well today. They cleaned up the tear in the meniscus along with some other gunked up tissue and removed a piece of the meniscus itself.

I'll be laying low for about a week and will start physical therapy next Tuesday. But all in all I expect a pretty fast rebound. I will keep you posted!


Posted by Steve Brown at 8:17 PM EDT
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Been Away

Haven't seen you in a while. How've you been? (Music reference - opening line of "We Just Disagree" by Dave Mason). But seriously .... been the shore for a week where we got in some great kayaking, a little swimming, and some good riding. AND took in some awesome fireworks with Midge and Tim in Avalon. It really was a great week.

Just checking in briefly and then heading to DC tomorrow for nephew Michael Stefanski's wedding. Quick update though- I do have a medial meniscus tear to the right knee and we are going to repair it athroscopically next Thursday, 7/17. I say "we" because I want to be awake for this and learn a thing or two about knee repairs. Hopefully my bounce back time will be short and sweet. I still fully expect to race an ultra distance triathlon and a marathon in the fall. No worries. I'm actually looking forward to getting it done so I can be pain free. It's funny though...I can ride my ass off and feel no pain at all. Then it will hurt like hell driving in the car.

If you haven't guessed, I am somewhat of a music junkie and had a junkie moment last night. We all went to see the movie "Get Smart" I am a big Steve Carell fan. When the opening credits scrolled up the screen I saw that the soundtrack was scored by Trevor Rabin. I knew Trevor played with a later generation of YES but forgot who else he played with. And it was killing me. I swore he also played with The Buggles and possibly Asia. So I called fellow junkie Steve McFadden and he set me straight immediately. NO he said - Rabin only played with YES. Trevor HORN was a Buggle who also played with YES. And another Buggle - Geoff Downes also played with Asia and had a short stint with YES in 1980. He went on to tell me "Your dots are connected, they are just a little crooked". I just laughed out loud on the phone. I knew Steve would be able to set me straight. He and I had a lot of fun at concerts and listening to music and reading liner notes for hours on end. Just thought I would share that piece of useless information.

Talk after DC.




Posted by Steve Brown at 7:52 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, July 10, 2008 8:16 PM EDT
Friday, June 27, 2008
Health Check

The good news - my blood work and recent check up CT scan were spot on PERFECT. All is well and I don't need to go back until the fall ! Woo-hoo !

However, the other news .... that knee pain that I have been experiencing may be a torn medial meniscus. I'll let you know after a MRI Monday night. Even if we need to go in and scope it, I'll be racing again very soon and will still manage an ironman by the fall.

No worries. I'll keep ya posted. off to the shore to try out my new kayack and to help out Midge and Tim with the Avalon Islandman Triathlon.

Happy trails

Posted by Steve Brown at 4:20 PM EDT
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Does peach yogurt go with Merlot? - Yes. EVERYTHING goes with Merlot. It's been a busy few weeks. We had my Daughter's prom and graduation and party. Good time was had by all. Finally getting caught up on a few knee still is not 100%. But I am seeing improvement still or again or something.

We saw our good buddies of the band "Chico's Vibe" last weekend. We have known Chico and Dominick for about 30 years at least. Dominick probably longer. It's great to hang out with people like that who have been around for so much of your life. The grad party brought out some great friends as well. Bitter sweet though as today I learned that my college roomate lost his brother. That's hard.

This weekend is Philly Tri weekend. No, I am not racing. But yes, I am helping with the race and a bunch of athletes that I coach will be out there racing. So, we'll have a blast.

Keep your eyes on this site I am being interviewed by them soon and they promised a nice book plug as well.

That's about all I have tonight. Catch you all on the rebound.

Posted by Steve Brown at 9:38 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
To Speaketh

Short notice but I wanted to mention that I will be speaking tomorrow night at the Cancer Survivors Day Celebration held at Delaware County Memorial Hospital. The program starts at 6:30 PM.

Address - 501 North Lansdowne Ave, Drexel Hill, PA. More info is at 800-254-3258


Posted by Steve Brown at 10:20 PM EDT
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Toe Central


Well, remember that knee pain that I mentioned a few weeks ago? It never went away by itself so I started some physical therapy with NovaCare. The good news is that my tests were clear and structurally, my knee is sound. I just have a strain or slight tear to the MCL on the right. The bad news is it still hurts and I want to rush the healing process. I still can't run on the road but I can pool run, cycle, and swim. So from a fitness level perspective, I should be fine. But mentally, I feel old, fat, and out of shape. All of that being said, I will probably still race Hammonton next weekend. Emotionally I need a race to jump start me. Even if I tank it, I just need to get out there.

Some of you know that my passion before triathlon was soccer. I was a goalkeeper and looked up to a few key role models of the sport. One was a legendary goalkeeper named Shep Messing. Another was a guy named Bobby Rigby who was a local guy that put American soccer on the map in the 1970s. He was one of the best American goalkeepers of all time. (OK he and Shep were tied) He is now back in the area and working as a substance abuse counselor in the Ridley Twp school system, where he is from. The cool thing for me is that I have connected with both of these guys recently and we have kept in touch. "Back in the day" I admired them for their goalkeeping abilities. As we have matured (ok ... some of us have) they continue to make substantial contributions in life and in sport and I have been fortunate enough to connect with them and consider them peers. It makes the world a little smaller. And better. Both of them recognize what a special bond there is between goalkeepers even long after playing days are behind us. We have all moved onto bigger and better playing arenas. But the secret club still exists.

And now for a scary, random, and fragmented brain dump: 

Coffee is good. Politics is getting old. The Clintons are getting old. McCain IS old. I am riding my bike into work for a couple of hours today after TNT swim practice. I need to finish this drywall project in my living room. I was asked to give the motivational talk again at the TNT pre race dinner for the Philly Triathlon in June. How can my youngest daughter be graduating from high school if I am only 15 years old?

Your mission for the weekend - A random act of kindness for a complete stranger. I mean really go out of your way to do so. Don't just pause 2 seconds to hold the door for the person behind you.



Posted by Steve Brown at 6:50 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, May 17, 2008 7:19 AM EDT

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